
East Bay Water – Cancer Causing Contaminants

East Bay Water – Cancer Causing Contaminants

East Bay Water has cancer causing contaminants at higher levels than usual. There are many reports in newspapers and television that you can read to verify this.

Now this is not anything new really. East Bay Water has had cancer causing contaminants in it for years. Although the EPA has set guidelines for the amount of these contaminants that are allowable, it is best to avoid them completely. You would agree with this, wouldn’t you?

It reminds me of a patient I had many years ago. His profession was that of a “fire-eater.” He used to light torches on fire and swallow them. He would also blow fire from his mouth. He would use a combination of kerosene and other chemicals to create the flames. Why did he come in for help? He had chronic digestive problems.

Now he deliberately exposed himself to large amounts of chemical that are not to be consumed. This was to make a living. At the same time, actually consuming ANY of those is not a good idea.

Susan B. Koemen Donation Version of System
So if you can consume even less contaminants than the EPA says is acceptible that is preferable. Multipure filtration systems give you that option. Multipure filtration systems are independently tested and proven to remove 99.9% of a long list of toxins. No other system in its class can legitimately claim this.

If you want an article about the removal of toxins by Multipure filtration systems click HERE.Multipure water contaminants removal text

Multipure Independent Distributor ID#432075

East Bay Water – Cancer Causing Contaminants

I highly recommend, as a doctor and preventative medicine oriented practitioner, that you get and use the Multipure filtration system that suits your situation best. Th
is recommendation has been one of the cornerstones of my practice and the advice at The Redwood Clinic for 30 years.

We have numerous other articles on this website and on our youtube channel about this as well. Take the time now to go online and order your system. Call us at 510-849-1176 to ask any questions you may have about the system you may need. We are here to support your health and vitality in whatever way we can.

Multipure Independent Distributor ID#432075

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