
Foundational Nutrition Organic Food and Multipure Water

Foundational Nutrition Organic Food and Multipure Water

As a functional medicine and natural medicine practitioner with more than 3 decades of clinical experience, Dr. Jay Sordean, LAc, OMD, CTN, QME understands and educates patients and the public about connections. Foundational Nutrition Organic Food and Multipure Water are all linked and synergistically (work together) to support your health and the health of your loved ones. They can either direct you towards better function or drive you into degeneration if you neglect any of them. Please go and read this article he wrote at the website of The Redwood Clinic by clicking the following link.

Foundational Nutrition Organic Food and Multipure Water

#Multipure #Plasticfibers #Plasticbeads #EnvironmentalToxicity


The Best Water Filter Is a Multipure and This Is Why

Foundational Nutrition Organic Food and Multipure Water

The Best Water Filter is a Multipure and This is Why

Water – the essence of life next to the oxygen you breathe nothing
else on earth is more essential to your good health and longevity than fresh clean drinking water drinking the recommended 8 glasses of
water a day helps to prevent such physical ailments as fatigue, hypertension asthma and back and joint pain and people who drink filtered water or
significantly less likely to contract serious illnesses including many forms of cancer. But what if despite your best efforts to
stay hydrated and live well, you and your family are still being exposed to hidden
toxins in your home school or place of business. How would you know? More than thirty years after the passage
of the federal safe drinking water act toxic dumping, varying municipal treatment
methods and outdated water delivery systems remain a problem in much of the
developed world. From the cities to rural communities
your drinking water is susceptible to a variety of chemicals parasitic cysts and dangerous heavy metals before it
ever reaches your tap.. The environmental protection agency does
a good job protecting you from many of the dangerous contaminants that appear
in our drinking water but the truth is the EPA has identified thousands of chemicals and contaminants that may be found in our water supply. -yet only requires the testing of fewer
than one hundred of these known pollutants. For the many people who understand the
potential danger in tap water they often turn to bottled water as a solution. But bottled water may simply be common
tap water that’s been processed and repackaged. And bottled water can be expensive in
comparison sometimes costing more than the price of a gallon of gasoline! There’s simply got to be a better way to
water! For more than 3 decades, Multipure drinking water systems –
the premium manufacturer of high quality water filtration devices – has been
committed to producing products that reduce the widest range of potentially
dangerous contaminants. They provide millions of customers with
the healthiest, most enjoyable water available at an affordable price. when you use a Multipure drinking
water system in your home or office you’ll be guaranteed nothing less than
refreshing safer water the first time, everytime! Multipure is your better
way to water! How do we know? NSF International is a not for
profit organization that provides fair, objective and unbiased information about
many products on the market that impact the safety of your water. If a product has been certified by NSF that means that the product claims have
been verified and that the product has met strict NSF standards. In the case of drinking water treatment
products, the NSF certifies that the system meets contaminate reduction
claims of the manufacturer, the system does not add harmful
substances to the water, the system is structurally sound and the literature and labeling is not
misleading. NSF even conducts annual
unannounced inspections to confirm the manufacturing processes. Look for the NSF seal and review the
list of contaminants the drinking water system is certified to reduce. Some reduce only one or two contaminants while others are certified to reduce many
more contaminants including chlorine lead and disinfection by-products. Although chlorine is recognized as a beneficial disinfectant in the water treatment process, it has an extremely foul taste and odor, and
it has its own potential health hazards. Chlorine is known to react with organic
substances found in most water supplies. This reaction creates cancer-causing
compounds known as disinfection by-products. Multipure eliminates chlorine’s unpleasant
taste and odor to and is certified by the NSF to reduce trihalomethanes and other disinfection by-products. Lead is one of the most widespread
contamination issues in the U.S.. It’s known to cause damage to the
nervous system and the kidneys and is highly toxic to children and
pregnant women. Drinking water filters using Multipure’s
carbon black technology were the first to be NSF certified for lead
reduction Multipure systems also reduce MTBE, a potentially dangerous gasoline
additive that dissolves easily in water. Thousands of documented leaking gasoline
storage tanks throughout the country make it likely that MTBE has
contaminated our public water systems and private drinking wells and Multipure was the first drinking
water filter to be NSF Certified for the reduction of Arsenic V. a naturally occurring toxin that has
been linked to cancer, nervous system failure, heart disease and
skin irritation. In fact Multipure was the first and
is still the only manufacturer of filtration devices certified under Standard
53 for Arsenic 5 reduction. And in addition to being the first in
the water filtration industry to reduce Arsenic 5, Multipure has been a leader in the
removal of asbestos and parasitic cysts, and is one of the few manufacturers of products that reduce chloramine, toxaphene, chlordane and PCB’s. Multipure drinking water filters achieved
that industry-leading performance because of the high quality of its
carbon block manufacturing Ideally a carbon block filter has millions
of tiny pores where the filtration process takes place. Smaller more
consistent pores provide better filtration. In this demonstration compressed air shows how water flows through the carbon block pores. Multipure’s unique carbon block filters
are composed of a dense core that forces every molecule of water through
microscopic pores of cleansing carbon. Other manufacturers have larger
inconsistent pores that reduce the quality of the filtration and some parts of the carbon blocks
are bypassed completely. Multipure’s drinking water systems comply
with regulations in all states. From its corporate headquarters in the Las Vegas technology center in Nevada Multipure manufactures and distributes
solid carbon block filters and water treatment devices for homes and
businesses across the globe. Multipure drinking water systems are
used by hospitals, universities, office buildings and most importantly millions
of homes just like yours. With no wasted water, no electricity
required and no removal of the essential trace minerals beneficial to your good
health, Multipure is quite simply the most efficient and most effective water
contaminate removal system available. Other water filtration systems are
expensive, inconvenient and only protect against a small number of
harmful chemicals and contaminants. Don’t be fooled by fancy ad campaigns
are slick packaging. Few choices in life are more important
your health than the water you drink. For superior technology, cost, and
convenience, Multipure provides fresh clean
drinking water for you and your family the first time, every time! Switch from tap water and bottled water
to a Multipure drinking water system today! And do away with high costs inconvenience, storing and discarding plastic
bottles, and possible contamination. Only Multipure provides reliable
protection for your family’s drinking water. A variety of the below the sink and
counter top models, ease of installation, extremely low
maintenance costs, and an outstanding warranty on the system
housing combined with a full thirty day money-back guarantee! Join the millions of satisfied Multipure
customers around the world and take the next step to healthier
living with a Multipure system of your own. To promote a long and healthy life for
you and your loved ones Multipure simply is the better way to water

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Lifetime warranty on all products and 90-day money-back guarantee! Call now for more information!
(510) 849-1176

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