
Plastic Pollution

<h2>Plastic Pollution</h2>

It is not simply about plastic pollution.  Plastic pollution of our environment is significant and a health and environmental threat to the ecological balance.  We see this in mutations of wild fish and other creatures effected by the xenoestrogens in plastic chemicals in the water they live in and drink.  So, when you choose to buy and use a Multipure Water Filter System, cleaning out plastic residues from your water going into your body, you are also eliminating the use of plastic water bottles that you might have used when buying water to avoid tap water.

By providing a means to improve convenient drinking water at a competitive price, Multipure Drinking Water Systems is doing its part to reduce the waste that bottled water produces on a daily basis. As an environmentally conscious organization, we assure all of our customers they are doing their part towards a more sustainable future.



Find out how much your health and home can be improved with our products and services. Visit Multipure Drinking Water Systems today. We are offering a Lifetime warranty on all products & 90 day money back guarantee.

Plastic pollution is not the only problem.  Lead in water is also an issue.  Learn more here.

Best Choice Water Purification System

Best Choice Water Purification System

How to Decide the Water Purification System you will Use
The water you drink effects how you Think (and Feel, and Function)

Protecting your body and brain is very important.

Know why you need water purification and what to look for in a Water Purification and Filtration System.

Part 1 of the Multipure lecture.

NOW MORE THAN EVER you need to protect your health.

Go online now and purchase a system to protect your health at

Don’t fall for a special extended warranty payment offerred online. The cases of all Multipure products we sell has a lifetime warranty. There is also a 90 day money-back guarantee with each system you buy through The Redwood Clinic.

Go online now and purchase a system to protect your health at

Lead in Water in San Francisco Schools

Lead in Water in San Francisco Schools

Here are some online resources related to Lead in Water in San Francisco Schools

Drinking lead: Why California may force all schools to test their water…/drinking-lead-why-california-may-force-all-schools…
Aug 22, 2017 – Daniel Wills, a plumber with the Los Angeles Unified School District Maintenance and Operations Branch repairs and replaces one of hundreds of old fountains that were found to have high levels of lead in the water at John H Francis Polytechnic Senior High in Sun Valley. (Nancy Pastor, for CALmatters).
Extreme level of lead at SF school gym fountain, among 30 taps failing ……/Extreme-level-of-lead-at-SF-school-gym-fountain-12318511.php
Nov 1, 2017 – A growing list of schools across the state are posting high levels of lead flowing out of faucets after the water crisis in Flint, Mich. — in which corrosion of pipes led to leaching of lead into the city water supply — led California officials to push for testing, especially in schools.
3 San Francisco public schools show high levels of lead in water ……/Three-San-Francisco-public-schools-show-high-12306785.p…
Oct 27, 2017 – Water samples from taps and drinking fountains at three San Francisco public schoolscontained elevated levels of lead, potentially exposing students to the toxic metal, district officials said Wednesday. District officials immediately shut down the taps and this week notified parents at West Portal and …
Lead in Drinking Water in Schools and Childcare Facilities – EPA
May 19, 2017 – The 15 ppb action level for PWSs is therefore a trigger for treatment rather than a health-based or exposure level. EPA recommends that schools collect 250 ml first-draw samples fromwater fountains and outlets.
Why Are School Water Fountains So Susceptible to Lead Poisoning?…/Why-Are-School-Water-Fountains-So-Susceptible-to-Lead-Pois…
Jul 27, 2016 – New York is set to become the first state to require schools to regularly test their waterfor lead. But it’s far from the only place with the problem.
Lead, arsenic, copper found in drinking water at some NorCal schools…water-at…schools/13533575
Nov 13, 2017 – KCRA 3 tests water fountains at 24 Sacramento-San Joaquin Valley schools; these are the results.
Lead taints drinking water in hundreds of schools, day cares across USA…water-lead-schools…/81220916/
Mar 17, 2016 – Whenever Jamison Rich got thirsty after gym or recess, he took a drink from the nearestwater fountain at his elementary school. Only last month did his family learn that the water bubbling out of some fountains contained high levels of lead, a notorious toxin that can silently damage developing brains and …
Burbank Unified schools test negative for lead in water fountains ……/…
Jul 11, 2017 – Burbank parents can rest assured that their children will not be exposed to lead from any drinking fountain at any school in Burbank Unified. Burbank Water and Power recently published its 2016 annual Water Quality Report in the agency’s June 2017 issue of its Currents newsletter, which reported that …
Analyze This: Real data on lead levels in school drinking water ……/analyze-real-data-lead-levels-school-drinki…
Analyze This: Real data on lead levels in school drinking water. Monitoring for lead (as in these data) is an important part of identifying risks to health. Lillian Steenblik Hwang. May 3, 2017 — 12:00 pm EST.water fountain. Water that appears clear and clean can be unsafe if it contains high amounts of lead, a toxic metal.
School drinking water will be tested for lead — after filters are installed ……/school-drinking-water-will-be-tested-for-lead-after-filters-are…
Oct 27, 2017 – The Orleans Parish School Board is finally moving ahead with the filters. But it looks like they will not meet a self-imposed deadline to have them installed this fall. They plan to test water fountains and kitchen fixtures after the filters are installed. At that point, the tests are virtually guaranteed to show no lead …

East Bay Water – Cancer Causing Contaminants

East Bay Water – Cancer Causing Contaminants

East Bay Water has cancer causing contaminants at higher levels than usual. There are many reports in newspapers and television that you can read to verify this.

Now this is not anything new really. East Bay Water has had cancer causing contaminants in it for years. Although the EPA has set guidelines for the amount of these contaminants that are allowable, it is best to avoid them completely. You would agree with this, wouldn’t you?

It reminds me of a patient I had many years ago. His profession was that of a “fire-eater.” He used to light torches on fire and swallow them. He would also blow fire from his mouth. He would use a combination of kerosene and other chemicals to create the flames. Why did he come in for help? He had chronic digestive problems.

Now he deliberately exposed himself to large amounts of chemical that are not to be consumed. This was to make a living. At the same time, actually consuming ANY of those is not a good idea.

Susan B. Koemen Donation Version of System
So if you can consume even less contaminants than the EPA says is acceptible that is preferable. Multipure filtration systems give you that option. Multipure filtration systems are independently tested and proven to remove 99.9% of a long list of toxins. No other system in its class can legitimately claim this.

If you want an article about the removal of toxins by Multipure filtration systems click HERE.Multipure water contaminants removal text

Multipure Independent Distributor ID#432075

East Bay Water – Cancer Causing Contaminants

I highly recommend, as a doctor and preventative medicine oriented practitioner, that you get and use the Multipure filtration system that suits your situation best. Th
is recommendation has been one of the cornerstones of my practice and the advice at The Redwood Clinic for 30 years.

We have numerous other articles on this website and on our youtube channel about this as well. Take the time now to go online and order your system. Call us at 510-849-1176 to ask any questions you may have about the system you may need. We are here to support your health and vitality in whatever way we can.

Multipure Independent Distributor ID#432075