
Plastic Fibers and Beads Cleared with Multipure

Plastic Fibers and Beads Cleared with Multipure

Plastic Fibers and Beads cleared with Multipure Water Purification Systems. The Multipure filtration systems clear plastic fibers from your tap water when used properly. Independent NSF testing has shown this to be the case. Previously, it was thought that theoretically Plastic Fibers and Beads were reduced with Multipure, but now you can be sure. Why are Plastic Fibers and Beads Cleared with Multipure? Why was this thought to be true? Because the pore size of the patented carbon block filters in Multipure water purification and filter systems is .5 microns, those ubiquitous and dangerous plastic fibers and beads would be blocked. Now it is proven in the lab.

Those fibers and plastic beads are about .7 microns or larger.

This new discovery and evidence makes your purchase and use of the Multipure Water Filtration Systems even more important.

Small plastic particles and fibers from your clothing, plastic bottles, industrial waste, plastic sprinkles in Museums of Ice Cream and elsewhere are dangerous. Your body does not like to have to deal with these foreign chemicals. It already has enough to do to just clear out the natural chemical waste products the body produces naturally. Now, along with other natural and artificial chemical pollutants in the environment, your body has to deal with plastics. No wonder so many people are fatigued, sick, have attention deficit, are easily distracted, and have immunological problems. Learn more about how Mulitpure Filtration Systems can help you and your family in this talk.
Time for you to protect you health and buy a system
Talk on Plastics and other contaminents in water that Multipure can protect you from

Independent Builder #432075

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#Multipure #Plasticfibers #Plasticbeads #EnvironmentalToxicity